Every donation, large and small, is important to us. Without the generosity of individuals and organizations, we wouldn't be able to do what we do.

Corporate Sponsors


EAA Champter 1177 - Monetary donation
Ken Flagler - Airbike project and tools
Donald Genzmer - Fairchild airplane, aircraft hangar, tools,  and misc. materials
Diane Knauer - Land usage for Labor Day barnstorming flights
Steve Krog - Fundraiser help
Scott Kugle - Tools
Palmyra-Eagle School District - Monetary donation
Palmyra Flying Club - Monetary donation to purchase a compressor
Dale and Judy Shriver - Citabria 150 airplane, known as "Greenie", monetary donations for an aircraft hangar and for the restoration of the Citabria 150
Tanis Aircraft - Pre-heat system for the Citabria 150
Tbird Specialty Powder Coating - Powder coating labor for the Porterfield

Become a supporter

If you would like to sponsor a project with us, or would like to make a donation, please fill out the form below and one of our board members will get in touch with you. Or you can email or call a board member directly (contact information can be found on the Founders page).